New for People Style Watch: Trying, Failing and Trying Again

Good morning beautiful people,

Today's post at People Style Watch is definitely a personal one, as it's about trying out fashion that you want to wear but have never quite gotten right. It might sound like something small on the surface, but I think it's a metaphor for not giving up on yourself even when you think you do something wrong or simply that YOU yourself are somehow "wrong". I speak through my fashion and I believe that it's more than just putting on clothes, it's about presenting the best version of yourself to the world.

If you follow me on Instagram, I've talked about my weight and my journey to get healthy once again. You guys may or may not know that I've gone up and down in my weight my whole life, and I've recently gotten back on the wagon of trying to be healthy (yet again, I know). I want to have children soon and I want to grow them in the healthiest body I can have. I feel I owe that to both myself and my husband, as well as our future babies, God willing. If you're interested, you can find me documenting my journey at my IG handle, which is @alliemcgev.

I say all that to say that even when you don't FEEL your best, sometimes you have to try and push yourself to DO the best with what God has blessed you with. I will always take fashion chances and keep trying, just like I will never give up on trying to be the best me I can be.

I appreciate all of you who listen and support, and I encourage you to be your best self and to keep fighting for whatever it is you want in life. You can absolutely achieve it if you don't give up.

Click here to read about my outfit and get shopping links from my column today at People Style Watch.




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